GDPR and Iconosquare

What is the GDPR?

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is an important piece of legislation that is designed to strengthen and unify data protection laws for all individuals within the European Union. The regulation became effective and enforceable on the 25th May 2018.

At Iconosquare, protecting your data is a top priority and we have become completely GDPR compliant as of May 25.

Label GDPR Gold

What has Iconosquare done to become GDPR compliant?

The roadmap below outlines all of our actions that we have completed prior to May 25 to become GDPR compliant. Our dedicated in-house team have consulted extensively with our lawyers to ensure user data is protected to the best of our ability. We have outlined our roadmap to becoming GDPR compliant below.

What do I need to do as an Iconosquare user?

As a user, there are a couple of things you will need to do:

  • Reconfirm that you are happy for us to contact you via email. Keep an eye on your inbox as we’ll be sending an email about this, allowing you to select which topics you’d like to hear from us about.
  • Re-read our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

What happens if I don’t confirm that I’m happy for you to contact me via email?

Your email will be deleted along with all our old mailing lists, and will not be added to any of our new mailing lists.

Will Iconosquare be able to use my email address to contact me for any reason if I don’t opt in?

In signing up to our service you must consent to receive transactional emails from us about your subscription, upcoming billing date, payment method/information etc. It’s not possible to opt out of these, as they’re essential information about your subscription and the money that you’re spending with Iconosquare. These don’t affect your rights under GDPR, as they are not concerned with marketing and will stop as soon as you end your subscription with us.

Will GDPR change how I use Iconosquare?

The GDPR changes won’t directly impact your interaction with Iconosquare - you’ll be able to continue using it as normal.

What has Iconosquare done to protect my data?

  • Researched the areas of Iconosquare impacted by GDPR
  • Appointed a Data Protection Officer
  • Developed a strategy and requirements for how to address the areas of our product impacted by GDPR
  • Performied the necessary changes/improvements to our product based on the requirements:
  • Suppression Controls
  • User Data Access
  • Implemented the required changes to our internal processes and procedures required to achieve and maintain compliance with GDPR

This includes:

  • Updating our Terms of Subscription, Privacy Policy and Terms of Use
  • Updating our email opt-in process. For the first time, you'll have the option to opt in or out of all email communications from us (excluding transactional comms)
  • Building forms so users have the ability to easily export or delete their data
  • Validating that all of the tools we use internally are GDPR compliant
  • Establishing systems to automatically remove user data
  • Testing all of our changes to verify and validate compliance with GDPR
  • Finalizing and communicating our full compliance. This includes updates to our Terms of Use, Terms of Subscription and Privacy Policy

When will Iconosquare delete my data after I end my subscription? (Suppression Controls)

  • 180 days after you stop using Iconosquare, all personal data will be deleted/anonymised
  • 5 years after your final billing cycle, all financial data will be deleted/anonymised as per French law
  • 180 days after your last interaction on a campaign or blog (if you are a blog subscriber but not an Iconosquare user), all your personal data will be deleted/anonymised

Yes. Here is the link to exercise your right.

Outside of these limitations, will I be able to request to have my data sent to me or deleted at any time? (User Data Access)

For all other requests please send an email to the following address:

Find more official information on GDPR here: