Instagram Advanced Tips

July 8, 2024

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12 MIN.

How To Develop An Effective Instagram Content Strategy?

Elevate your Instagram content strategy with our guide! Master goal setting, audience engagement, content planning, performance measurement.



How To Develop An Effective Instagram Content Strategy?

With more than 2 billions of active users per month, it would be a shame publishing Instagram content on the platform without a plan. Simply posting sporadically won't cut it to stand out.

With our comprehensive guide, build an effective Instagram content strategy. Learn how to intelligently develop your presence and reach your objectives. Setting goals, understanding and engaging with your audience, crafting compelling content and measuring performance will all be a breeze!

After auditing your Instagram account, you just have to follow this 8 steps roadmap! Be ready to elevate your brand, captivate your audience, and set you up for success. Let's dive into it!

1. Define your Instagram content goals

Set up clear goals to provide focus and direction for your Instagram efforts. They help you define what you want to achieve and guide your Instagram marketing strategy accordingly. With goals in place, you can align your content, engagement, and growth strategies to work towards achieving those objectives.

Having measurable goals also serves as a benchmark against which you evaluate your progress. Select and track KPIs such as follower growth, engagement rates, website traffic, or conversions. In this way, you can assess if your strategies are effective and make informed adjustments as necessary.

Here are examples of common content goals you can set.

Build brand awareness

An important goal for many businesses is to increase brand visibility and recognition. Through captivating imagery, consistent branding, and strategic use of hashtags, Instagram can help spread the word about your brand to a wider audience.

Increase audience engagement

Engagement is the heart of social media, and Instagram is no exception. By fostering two-way communication through thoughtful captions, engaging storytelling, and interactive content like polls or quizzes, you can encourage your audience to like, comment, and share your posts.

Showcase products or services

Instagram's visual nature makes it an ideal platform to put the light on your products or services in an appealing and aspirational way. High-quality product photos, creative videos, and user-generated content can help generate interest, highlight features, and drive potential customers to make a purchase.

Drive traffic to your website

Speaking of which, your content can help you direct your Instagram followers to your website, where they can learn more about your products or services. By including compelling calls-to-action in your captions or utilizing the swipe-up feature in Instagram Stories, you can entice your audience to take that next step. Also, don’t forget the links section on your Instagram profile!

Establish thought leadership

Positioning your brand as an authority in your industry can significantly impact your credibility and attract a loyal and engaged audience. Share valuable content, industry insights, and expert tips to establish yourself as a go-to resource in your niche.

💡 When defining your Instagram content goals, remember the SMART criterias to keep you on track and drive meaningful results! An objective should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound.

2. Understand your Instagram target audience

Knowing your Instagram target audience allows you to create content specifically designed to resonate with them. By understanding their preferences, demographics, and interests, you can craft posts that appeal to their unique needs and desires. It will increase the likelihood of engagement and drive meaningful interactions.

Engaging Instagram content prompts likes, comments, shares, and saves. When you understand your audience, you can create posts that spark conversations. This boosts engagement, deepens connections, and amplifies your brand's reach.

Here are a few steps to help you get you on track.

Define your ideal customer

Begin by creating a clear profile of your ideal customer or target audience. Consider demographics like age, location, gender, and interests. Think about their pain points, motivations, and aspirations. This will provide a solid foundation for your research.

Analyze your existing audience and leverage insights

Take a deep dive into your current Instagram followers. Use Instagram's built-in analytics or third-party social media tools to gain insights into your posts, stories, and audience. Gather data on their demographics, behaviors, and engagement patterns. Look for trends and commonalities among your most active and engaged followers.

How to find Instagram Insights?

To access Instagram Insights, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Instagram app on your mobile device.
  2. Go to your profile by tapping the profile icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  3. Once on your profile, tap the menu icon (three horizontal lines) in the top right corner of the screen.
  4. From the menu, select "Insights."
  5. You'll be presented with different tabs within Instagram Insights, such as Content, Activity, and Audience. These tabs provide detailed analytics and insights about your Instagram account.
  • The "Content" tab allows you to analyze the performance of your posts, stories, and promotions.
  • The "Activity" tab shows data related to actions taken on your account, such as profile visits, website clicks, and discovery.
  • The "Audience" tab provides demographic information about your followers, including age range, gender distribution, and geographic location.
    Please note that the availability and depth of Instagram Insights may vary based on your account type and the number of followers you have. For business accounts, you generally have access to more comprehensive analytics compared to personal accounts. So if you use a personal account, switch to a professional account.
Switch to professional account in Instagram settings

Using Instagram Insights, you can gain valuable information about your audience's behavior, the effectiveness of your content, and the impact of your promotional efforts. This data can help you optimize your content strategy and engage with your audience in a more targeted and effective way. For example, it may help you to choose the perfect times to post on Instagram.

Research competitors and industry

Analyze your competitors and other businesses within your industry that share a similar target audience. Look at their followers, engagement, and the type of content that resonates with their audience. This can offer valuable insights and help you identify potential gaps or opportunities.

Conduct surveys and interviews with your followers

Engage directly with your audience by conducting surveys or interviews. Ask questions about their interests, preferences, and pain points. This firsthand information can provide valuable insights into their mindset and help tailor your content accordingly.

Monitor Instagram hashtags and engage in conversations

Follow relevant Instagram hashtags related to your industry or niche and monitor the conversations happening around them. Engage with users who are using these hashtags, join discussions, and observe the type of content that resonates with them.

Take advantage of user feedback

Pay attention to the comments, direct messages, and interactions you receive on Instagram. User feedback can reveal valuable information about what your audience likes, dislikes, and wants to see more of. Adjust your content strategy based on this feedback to better serve your audience.

💡 Understanding your target audience is an ongoing process. Continuously monitor and adapt your content strategy based on the insights and feedback you gather.

3. Plan your content mix

Planning your Instagram content mix is essential to maintain a cohesive and engaging presence on the platform. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you plan effectively.

Define your content themes and categories

Start by identifying the key themes or categories that align with your brand and resonate with your target audience. For example, if you're a fitness brand, your themes could be workout tips, healthy recipes, inspirational quotes, and client success stories. Having predetermined themes helps ensure variety and consistency in your content.

Experiment with different formats

Mix up the types of content you share to keep your feed visually appealing and engaging. Each content type offers unique opportunities to showcase your brand and connect with your audience in different ways. Experiment with a combination of media:

  • photos
  • videos
  • carousels
  • Reels

Balance promotional and non-promotional content

Striking a balance between promotional content and non-promotional content is important. While promoting your products, services, or events is essential, also provide value by sharing educational content, behind-the-scenes glimpses, user-generated content, or entertaining posts. This balance helps build trust, authenticity and keeps your audience engaged.

💡 Be open to experimenting, monitoring engagement, and adjusting your strategy based on your audience's response. Adapt and refine your content mix over time to keep it fresh, engaging, and aligned with your audience's evolving interests and preferences.

4. Establish a content calendar

Why create and follow an Instagram content calendar ?

  • Planning Instagram content allows you to maintain a consistent presence. Consistency is key for building brand recognition, engaging your audience, and establishing yourself as a reliable source of content. With a content plan, you can ensure that you're delivering valuable and engaging posts at regular intervals.
  • Schedule your content in advance allows you to align it with your overall marketing strategy and goals. You can incorporate specific campaigns, product launches, or events into your content calendar, ensuring that your Instagram presence supports and reinforces your broader business objectives.
  • An Instagram content calendar allows you to streamline your workflow. You can batch-create content in advance. This saves valuable time and energy, enabling you to focus on other marketing activities or engage with your audience in real time.

How to create a content calendar for Instagram?

1. Choose the right tools

Select a tool that works best for you! It can be as simple as a free spreadsheet or a specialized social media scheduling tool that will help you save time. Rather than manually posting in real-time, a scheduling tool like Iconosquare allows you to plan and automate social media content.

Along with automatic posting, a scheduling tool allows you to keep your social media posts organized in one place. You can plan your content calendar and coordinate campaigns.

Iconosquare's specialized content calendar tool

Iconosquare also provides analytics features that help you track the performance of your posts. Not just Instagram, but also Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and TikTok. You can analyze engagement, reach, and click-through rates to optimize your content strategy.

2. Set a posting frequency

Decide how often you want to post on Instagram. It can be daily, a few times a week, or specific days of the week. Consider your audience's preferences, your content creation capacity, and the engagement you aim to achieve. Be realistic about what you can consistently maintain.

3. Plan content ideas

Brainstorm and gather content ideas that align with your themes and goals. You can include different content types like photos, videos, user-generated content, quotes, or educational posts. Use your brand story, customer feedback, industry trends, and competitor analysis to inspire your content ideas.

4. Create a content schedule

Using your chosen tool, create a schedule for your content calendar. Assign specific dates, times, and captions for each post. Consider how your content flows visually, ensuring a balanced mix of different content types and themes throughout the week or month.

5. Include engaging captions and hashtags

Alongside your content, jot down ideas for captions and relevant hashtags to use with each post.

Captions should be engaging, and informative, and call your audience to action. You can unleash the Power of AI-Driven Engaging Instagram Captions with our free tool !

Research popular and niche-specific hashtags to boost discoverability and engagement.

6. Schedule and automate

Once your content calendar is set, schedule your posts in advance by using scheduling tools. Automating the publishing process allows you to focus on engagement and real-time interactions with your audience. Make sure to review and adjust scheduled posts as needed to remain relevant.

💡 Don't put blinkers on to stick to your editorial calendar. Opportunities may present themselves like a new trend for example. It would be a shame to miss out. Be flexible!

5. Engage with your audience

Here are some tips to help you spark meaningful interactions with your audience on Instagram.

Respond to comments and messages

Show your audience that you value their thoughts by replying to comments and messages promptly. Be genuine, thoughtful, and don't shy away from starting conversations.

Example of Sephora responding to a follower's question

Use interactive features

Instagram offers various interactive features like polls, quizzes, and sliders in your stories. Utilize these to engage your audience and gather their opinions. Encourage your followers to express themselves by asking thought-provoking questions in your captions or stories for example. It could be something related to your content, their interests, or even a fun "would you rather" question.

Host contests and giveaways

People love a chance to win something exciting. Organize contests or giveaways that require your followers to engage with your content. This could be by liking, commenting, tagging friends, or sharing your post. It creates buzz and increases participation.

Instagram Holiday giveaway on Grove Collaborative account

Feature User-Generated Content

Because consumers trust consumers, powering up your brand with User-Generated Content (UGC)! Showcase your followers' content by reposting or re-sharing it (with their permission, of course). It not only validates their efforts or encourages others to engage in the hopes of being featured. This contributes to consumer confidence in your brand. Even more if it's organic content.

Of course, you can also choose to use UGC creators.

Live Q&A sessions or AMA (Ask Me Anything)

Go live on Instagram and invite your audience to ask questions. It's a fantastic way to have real-time conversations, share insights, and let your personality shine.

Collaborate with influencers or like-minded accounts

Partnering with Instagram influencers or collaborating with accounts that share your interests can amplify your reach and introduce you to new audiences. Engage with Instagram content creators’ followers and make meaningful connections.

💡 The key to successfully engaging with your audience is authenticity. Show your true self, display genuine interest, and create a welcoming space where your audience feels valued and heard.

6. Create a consistent brand identity

Having a consistent Instagram brand identity is like having your own unique fingerprint — it makes you easily recognizable.

With millions of Instagram accounts out there, having a consistent brand identity can set you apart. It helps to define your unique selling propositions and what makes you special. A distinctive brand identity can help you carve out your own niche.

A consistent brand identity also creates an emotional connection with your audience. It evokes a feeling of familiarity, comfort, and relatability. When people resonate with your brand, they are more likely to engage, follow, and support it.

Here are tips to help you create an Instagram consistent brand identity.

Have a visual aesthetics

Develop a visually cohesive theme for your Instagram feed. Choose a color palette, photo editing style, and overall visual vibe that aligns with your brand. Consistency in visuals creates a harmonious and recognizable look.

A good example of a brand with a unique visual aesthetic is Brit + Co. Their Instagram feed is all about colorful images and hand-written quotes. Their profile is very fun to scroll through.

Example of unique visual feed with Brit + Co

Create a style guide

Craft a style guide encompassing your preferred fonts, logo usage, image guidelines, and other design elements. This ensures consistency across all your graphic posts, stories, and highlights.

Develop a tone of voice

Define your brand's voice—whether it's casual, formal, witty, or informative—and stay consistent in your captions and comments. Your tone should reflect your brand's personality and resonate with your audience.

Value-driven content

Identify the core themes or topics that align with your brand's expertise or purpose. Create content that consistently adds value to your audience's lives, educates them, or entertains them within your niche.

Use branded hashtags

Create a unique branded hashtag that encapsulates your brand identity. Encourage your audience to use it when sharing content related to your brand. This not only promotes User-Generated Content but also strengthens your brand identity.

Utilize story elements

Use Instagram Stories to further express your brand identity. Use consistent story templates, highlight covers, animated stickers, or filters that align with your visual aesthetics and brand personality.

Example of Zara's use of link in Instagram story

💡 While consistency is important, it doesn't mean you have to be repetitive or stagnant. Adapt and evolve your brand identity over time while staying true to your core values. Embrace creativity and experimentation within the boundaries of your brand's visual and tonal guidelines.

7. Measuring and analyzing performance

Instagram Insights and analytics tools are your secret weapons for tracking Instagram performance! Keep an eye on them to be able to adapt your content strategy according to the results obtained.

With Instagram Insights

Start by utilizing Instagram's built-in analytics tool, Insights. It provides valuable data about your content, followers, and engagement. With Insights, you can track metrics like impressions, reach, profile views, and follower demographics. Use this data to understand what content is resonating, when your audience is most active, and how your profile grows.

  • Track engagement metrics: Engagement metrics such as likes, comments, saves, and shares, are essential indicators of how your audience is interacting with your content. Keep an eye on these metrics to gauge the effectiveness of your posts and identify trends.
  • Explore reach and impressions: Reach measures the number of unique users who see your content, while impressions reflect the total number of times your content is viewed. These metrics help you understand the visibility and impact of your posts.
  • Monitor follower growth: Keep track of your follower count over time to understand how successful your content and strategies are in attracting and retaining followers. Look for patterns and identify what types of content drive follower growth.
  • Analyze story insights: Instagram Insights offers in-depth analysis of your stories, including metrics like impressions, taps forward/backward, and replies. Use these Insights to gauge which story content resonates most with your audience and adjust your approach accordingly.

With third-party analytics tools

In addition, an external social media analytics tool like Iconosquare offers advanced Instagram analytics features. It provides more detailed data, such as post-engagement rates, hashtag performance, and competitor analysis, so you can gain deeper insights and refine your strategy.

💡  A/B test and experiment with different content strategies to track what works best for your audience. Try varying posting times, content formats (photos, videos, carousel posts), and captions to see which generate better engagement and reach.

8. Grow your audience

To achieve your goals on Instagram, setting up Ads could be helpful. While your content strategy focuses on organic growth, advertising allows you to reach a broader audience.

Instagram Ads can introduce your brand to users who might not discover it through regular content alone. Instagram's paid promotions platform lets you define specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. You can tailor ads to reach your ideal customer segments, ensuring better precision and relevance, with a specific objective to complete.

💡 You can start with boosting some posts that performed organically.

So… how to create a content strategy for Instagram?

Your Instagram content strategy should be a reflection of your brand's personality and values. It's an opportunity to showcase your creativity, connect with your audience, and leave a lasting impression. Stay true to your brand, experiment, adapt, and keep the conversation flowing.
With a well-crafted strategy, consistency, and a dash of authenticity, you're well on your way to Instagram success. The tips in this guide will help you develop an effective Instagram content plan in your social media marketing strategy. Happy strategizing!

the writer


Copywriter @Iconosquare

Hi! I'm Marvellous, huge fan of Iconosquare as a product, and determined to help experienced social media marketers thrive in the various aspects of their career.

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