TikTok for Brands

July 31, 2024

Last update


07 MIN.

10 TikTok Live ideas that will engage your followers

You're looking for innovative TikTok Live ideas? Check out these 10 ideas to captivate your viewers and enhance your live streaming experience.

Leslie Anglesey

Leslie Anglesey

10 TikTok Live ideas that will engage your followers

TikTok is no longer the little social network it once was. Today, agencies, brands, small businesses, content creators and influencers all want one thing. Grow their business on TikTok by being visible and generating engagement.

You might ask, what can I do on TikTok to generate engagement? Well, part of the answer lies in making TikTok Lives. One of the most effective ways to connect and interact with your audience is in real-time!

Whether you're an experienced TikTok brand or just getting started, having a set of creative and engaging ideas for your live sessions can make all the difference! Be ready to learn the best practices and ideas for TikTok Lives that will help you captivate your audience and grow your TikTok following.

Requirements for ‘Going Live’ on TikTok

Unlike the other social media platforms, TikTok has few requirements for access to the going live feature.

How many followers on TikTok to go live?

You need at least 1,000 followers before starting a live broadcast. Otherwise, the TikTok Live option won’t appear. But as soon as you reach this number, don’t panic if this feature doesn’t appear immediately! It might several days.

What age can you go live on TikTok?

There is an age limit for starting the live video on TikTok: you must be 16. Until then, you can only work on your content quality.

Additionally, if you’re over 18, it is possible to get some virtual gifts from your followers which can later be exchanged for real money.

So, assuming that you meet all the requirements needed for starting a TikTok Live session, let’s now move on to the ways you can organize and improve it!

How to go live on TikTok?

Going live on TikTok is pretty simple and has some common features with Instagram Live. You can follow this step-by-step guide, on any Android or iOS mobile device.

  • Step 1: Open the TikTok app on your smartphone.
  • Step 2: Click on the “add” button placed in the middle of the tab menu.
  • Step 3: Choose the “live” option under the record button.
  • Step 4: Create a title for your streaming. Choose a short, simple, and catching headline, which provides some general information about the content for your viewers.
  • Step 5: Personalize your live stream session. Add some effects or filters to make the session more interactive.
  • Step 6: Tap the “Go live” button to begin.
  • Step 7: As soon as the live stream is over, click the “X” button to finish it.

Best practices for a successful TikTok Live

Before diving into specific TikTok Live ideas and specific topics, it is essential to cover some general tips that will help you succeed in any live session!

Before the Live session

  • Plan your TikTok Live session ahead of time. Outline the main points you want to cover and prepare any materials or props you'll need.
  • Use your other social media platforms and TikTok videos to promote your upcoming live broadcasts.
  • Ensure you have a stable internet connection, good lighting, and clear audio. Test everything before you start a TikTok Live to avoid technical issues.

During the Live session

  • Make sure to actively engage with your audience throughout the live session. Respond to comments, answer questions, and give shoutouts to keep viewers interested.
  • End your live session with a clear call to action. Encourage viewers to follow you, like your videos, or check out a specific link.

10 TikTok Live ideas to make your brand stand out

Now you know how to start a live session and the warning points to check. But... do you know what to discuss? Don't panic! We've got 10 ideas for your next TikTok Lives that will engage your audience, and maximize your reach and impact. Just take a look at your TikTok analytics and you'll see!

#1 Product or service demonstration

TikTok is the ideal social network for boosting sales! It's not just a network for sharing videos and photos. It's a true pioneer in social commerce.

In recent years, TikTok has launched shopping features via TikTok Shop, enabling users to shop without exiting the app. Being able to sell on TikTok has led to a novel online commerce model.

Live performances on TikTok are no exception to the rule!

TikTok Live: Present products

Take the time to present your product or service. Show how to use it, highlight its features, and answer questions from viewers in real time. The audience you have on this type of live stream is valuable because it's highly qualified. Viewers become new customers on TikTok.

To engage more, offer exclusive discounts or limited-time offers to viewers who join the live session.

#2 Product or service launching

As with the presentation of your offer, announcing and presenting new products or services is always effective! Give your audience an exclusive first look and detailed explanation of the new product to build excitement.

TikTok Live: Product launching

Encourage viewers to share their first impressions and ask questions.

#3 Live events

You’re organizing a webinar? A workshop? Well, consider to host it on TikTok Live! Hosting sessions provide value and establish your brand as an industry expert.

To get as many viewers as possible, offer downloadable resources or exclusive content to participants of the live session. You can get qualified leads on TikTok!

#4 Launch a Q&A Session

Along with the audience enlarging, you become more interesting for your followers. That is why you can greatly boost the number of followers by arranging an online meeting with your audience and share some minds about the certain issues raised.

By answering questions in real time, you become much closer to your followers and build trustworthy relationships with them!

Set up a live event with pre-prepared questions, after polling your community. Having a list of questions ready ensures a smooth flow! Of course, you can respond as you go along to the questions posed.

#5 Show Behind the Scenes

As we all know, Internet users - and we're the first - are curious! We love to go backstage. If your content lends itself to it, you should seize this opportunity and give them what they like!

The great advantage of BTS, is that it helps to humanize your brand, making it easier for your audience to relate to you.

TikTok Live: BTS of a bakery

For example, provide a sneak peek into your daily operations, product creation process, or upcoming projects. In this way you will:

  • help your audience discover a little more about you;
  • build the trust;
  • get people interested in your content.

#6 Organize Interviews & Collaborations

Nothing draws a large audience that efficiently as it is done with collaborations. If organized thoroughly, it can engage more visitors to:

  • come to your profile;
  • look through your content;
  • subscribe to it.

First things first, choose interesting and relevant guests! You want to make a live streaming which will be interesting for both your audience and the followers of the interviewee.

Depending on the interviewee's profile (industry experts, partners, influencers…), broach the subject which is common for your audience and their interests.

To maximize viewership, promote the collaboration ahead of time.

#7 Host challenges and competitions

Hosting challenges and competitions or joining trends increase audience participation! But don’t forget to provide clear instructions on how viewers can participate and submit their entries.

For example, you can organize a product giveaway or a trivia quiz, with a prize at stake. By announcing winners live and offering exciting prizes, you keep your audience's attention high.

#8 Live tutorials and How-to

To learn how to do something, there's nothing like watching a video in real time with an expert! Thanks to TikTok Lives, you can show every step of a process to an interested audience.

That same audience can do your tutorial with you, too! You can give them live advice, encourage them to share their progress and ask questions.

Don't hesitate to ask them which tutorials they'd like to see next!

#9 Create Unusual Content

The experimental videos, mixed with madness and oddity, can significantly boost your views and draw more people’s attention. In fact, people are always interested in viewing a kind of experiment, which usually starts from the words “what if…”.

As an example, let’s look at the BuzzFeed live video posted on Facebook when the team stretched rubber bands over a watermelon. This video has reached over 800,000 viewers who watched the streaming. So, just don’t be afraid to make something extraordinary!

Or else, if you have any wow-talent or mastered some amazing skill with educational platforms like Skillshare to show – just do this! Something great starts with ordinary things.

#10 Seasonal and Holiday Themes

You can host live sessions around special events, holidays, or seasons to connect with your audience by tapping into the excitement and spirit of special occasions! 🎃🎅🎉

We recommend you to create a calendar of important dates, holidays, and seasons relevant to your audience: Christmas, Halloween, New Year's, Valentine's Day… Feel free to use our social media calendar to keep up to date!

Embrace new business opportunities with TikTok Live

Leveraging TikTok Live can significantly enhance your engagement and connection with your audience. By incorporating a mix of product demonstrations, Q&A sessions, behind-the-scenes looks, and seasonal themes, you can create dynamic and interactive experiences for your followers!

Remember to plan ahead, promote your sessions, and engage actively with your viewers to make the most of your live broadcasts.

Enjoy TikTok benefits for your business, embrace these ideas, experiment with your content and monitor it thanks to powerful social media analytics, and watch your TikTok community flourish.

Happy streaming!

the writer
Leslie Anglesey

Leslie Anglesey

Contributor @Iconosquare

A guest blogger for Iconosquare


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